Scuola di Lingua Il Mulino a Padova, in Veneto

corsi di lingua a Padova, in VenetoIl Mulino Italian Language School
is the right choice if you need to brush up on your language skills. You are welcome whenever and for whatever length of time you desire. Typically, our students stay for a minimum of one month in order to fully experience our language immersion program. During this month the students also take advantage of the town’s close proximity to other historical Italian cities, which are accessible on the weekends. For students at a low level of Italian, it is difficult to fully experience and learn everything in less than a month, however, we will accommodate any length of stay and promise to provide you with a great language immersion program. We welcome all ages and all language levels during anytime of the year. Our school is small and we keep the average class size to four or five people, often even less. The small size of the school ensures that our students can personally and truly experience the charming local community. Due to our full immersion program the learning process for Italian will be far more quick than learning in a traditional classroom.

Our living options vary
and you should make sure to choose the one that will most suit your interests and personality. One choice is home-stay, which gives the greatest opportunity for learning Italian due to constant conversations in Italian and shared meals of traditional Italian cuisine with your host family. Another option is student housing. Here you will have similar perks as the accommodation generally includes one or more native Italian teachers as well as foreign students from around the world. The main difference is that in student housing there is less of an opportunity to experience the life of a traditional Italian family. Also, student housing is generally more basic, and the atmosphere is more youth oriented. For the best experience, our advice is to perhaps experience both atmospheres, where half your time is in a home stay and the other half in student housing, living with other students and teachers from the school. Of course there is always the option of staying in a hotel or bed and breakfast located close to the school. These options are slightly more expensive and make it harder to meet locals but offer more privacy

viaggi studio in Italia e nel  mondoTRAVEL AROUND ITALY AND VENETO
You can also choose to participate in our fieldtrips and fieldwork to become more culturally aware of the Veneto region, the area of Italy where the school is located. Padua, Verona, Venice, the Dolomites…
We travel together to educate students on the history, art, and customs which are unique to our region and to our people.
In doing this we ensure our students an interesting and original experience that they have never before experienced anywhere else

Il Mulino Italian Language School is waiting for you!

Istituto Il Mulino - Piazzetta La Marmora, 4 - 35020 Legnaro - Padova -Italy - Phone +39.049.8830912